Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 9229
Country/Region: South Africa
Year: 2008
Main Partner: Project Concern International
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $4,564,000

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $2,164,000


PCI: Project Concern International (PCI), along with two implementing partners in South Africa, proposes a

program with the goal to reduce HIV transmission by changing social norms related to sexual and other

gender-based violence against women. The objective of the program is to reduce the prevalence of sexual

and other gender-based violence in both urban and rural areas. This will be achieved through a large scale

social mobilization program that will: 1) mobilize public and private sector partners to combat gender-based

violence; 2) create an enabling environment for changing social norms related to gender-based violence;

and 3) develop and support the implementation of multi-sectoral activities which will achieve and maintain

significant reductions in gender-based violence.

Activities leading to these results include: a) assuring that key sector partners in government, civil society,

media, the private sector and education understand the impact of and are committed to ending all forms of

gender-based violence; b) developing and implementing a communications strategy that will unite individual

organizations’ efforts into one unified, branded campaign reaching all sectors of society; and c)

empowering sector partners with resources and training to implement a range of local activities to end

gender-based violence. The Western Cape and KwaZulu Natal Networks on Violence Against Women

(WCN and KZN), with over 700 member organizations, will provide the technical know-how, experience,

commitment and leadership to end violence against women

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $2,400,000

CI: Project Concern International (PCI), along with two implementing partners in South Africa, proposes a

program with the goal to reduce HIV transmission by changing social norms related to sexual and other

gender-based violence against women. The objective of the program is to reduce the prevalence of sexual

and other gender-based violence in both urban and rural areas. This will be achieved through a large scale

social mobilization program that will: 1) mobilize public and private sector partners to combat gender-based

violence; 2) create an enabling environment for changing social norms related to gender-based violence;

and 3) develop and support the implementation of multi-sectoral activities which will achieve and maintain

significant reductions in gender-based violence.

Activities leading to these results include: a) assuring that key sector partners in government, civil society,

media, the private sector and education understand the impact of and are committed to ending all forms of

gender-based violence; b) developing and implementing a communications strategy that will unite individual

organizations' efforts into one unified, branded campaign reaching all sectors of society; and c) empowering

sector partners with resources and training to implement a range of local activities to end gender-based

violence. The Western Cape and KwaZulu Natal Networks on Violence Against Women (WCN and KZN),

with over 700 member organizations, will provide the technical know-how, experience, commitment and

leadership to end violence against women